9. Pick a sculpture that you like. Write a description of how you might use 3D modeling in Photoshop to make this sculpture part of a photographic image.
I am not very educated on the art of sculpture, so I do not know very many different ones. With that being said I will just say that I really like the steel-like sculpture outside of Kresge (and I do like it! It's weird!) To make this sculpture part of a photographic image, I would probably take a photo of it, make a cut-out of it (using pen or magnetic lasso), and then place it in to another image. Let's say for instance I want to put this sculpture on top of the moon. I would put the cutout on top of the moon and then I would probably do a free transform or transform the perspective of it so that its bottom surface mimicked the round surface of the moon. I would probably also add a drop shadow (is that the one that adds a shadow to the bottom?) to the image to make it appear to be more grounded. I would also transform the object to make it look more 3-dimensional by making part of it protrude towards the viewer.
10. Describe an impossible scenario. Describe how you can create this scene using digital photographic compositing.
I always think it is very hard for artists to do things such as turn objects in to other objects (at least I know this would be hard for me. Say for instance, making an image that is of a tree, then the roots on the ground turn in to different peoples' hands and the leaves of the trunk turn in to eyes. So in a sense the tree becomes a collaboration of many different human physical characteristics. This seems impossible to me because I am a very amateur Photoshop user, and the whole idea of having a tree whose leaves morph in to eyes and whose roots morph in to hands is just insanely awesome. I guess to do this one could try morphing the pieces of the tree using the liquify tool or maybe the puppet animation tool (is that what it is called?)...I really like the idea of things turning in to unexpected things, and really want to try something like this!
11. Collages, montages, assemblages, and composites often bring together disparate items, objects, scenes, places, and people. The process of combining seemingly unrelated or unexpected items can be inspired by spontaneous thoughts/experiments. Describe some ideas, thoughts, and things that come to mind when you think of “combination” or “assemblage”. Try to perform this brainstorm using a stream of consciousness technique in which you list anything that comes to mind. You can add to this list… Here goes… fractured/combined identities, old newspapers + grass, constant bombarding of images via mass media, looking through a kaleidoscope, doll + baby, cut a bike in half and add a tree, etc. …
Real and artificial objects, vision in the dream world vs waking life, a tree with a body of water sitting on top of it, a human with wings flying over a city, a house with arms and legs, grass as sky and sky as grass...I hope I did this right, it was hard to think of things on the spot!!