Monday, November 28, 2011

Every little detail of every moment that has occurred is an important stepping stone in leading up to the now. There is nowhere we are "supposed to be" other than right here, right now. The reason for this is because there is a perfect order to the nature of our universe. Have you ever noticed that there are similarities all over our natural world? From the uncurling of a fern, to the inside of a nautilus shell, to the beginning spiral of the hair growth on a man's head, there is order present within all of nature. This visual order is a guide to awakening us to the truth: that everything is connected. There is a divine spirit inside each and every being on this earth, and it is up to us to spiritually awaken ourselves to see its presence.

This body of work is meant to act as a reflection of this truth. The connection among all forms of nature, along with the connection of mind, body, and spirit to nature, is important to both personal and universal growth. Through these images, I hope to evoke the idea of spiritual transcendence.