Composition: For this image, I needed to shoot from a lower vantage point so that I could incorporate the wall into the frame. I wanted to create a dramatic lighting by dodging the wall where the text was placed. I wanted to incorporate a "home" feel into the composition so that the setting looked natural and looked as though it really happened.
Concept: My concept is not very deep: I just wanted to create humorous imagery. You hear the expression "gullible is written on the ceiling" from time to time, and I wanted to make that expression a literal thing. This image is about humor in every day expressions.
Method: I shot with a flash so that I could successfully light the subjects. I placed my subjects so that one was looking at the other with a "what the hell" expression, while the other looks up at the ceiling, where the text will be placed. I wanted to create a scene that tells a story of what is going on.
Motivations: I could not think of anything for this image assignment other than incorporating text in a way that relates to the subjects and what is going on in the scene. Then, this idea came to mind. I think it is humorous I think I got my point across.
Interpretation: I think others reacted in the way that I expected: thinking it is funny imagery. It is supposed to be playful and superficial, and I think my composition helps to make this message work successfully.
Evaluation: Jeremy said that I should have put the text literally into the frame so that the subject was actually looking at real text. I agree with this, and I think I should have done that too; this would have added to the playfulness of the imagery.
Extension: It would be fun to do more images like this…I cannot think of any other expressions such as this one that would allow for me to incorporate the text into the image in order to create a literal idea, but I am going to keep thinking because this could be something to look into more!