Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog Prompt #22

In response to the making of Jim Fiscus' "The Unfortunate Moment of Misunderstanding"...
To be honest, I had to replay the beginning two minutes of this video in order to re-grasp his concept. His concept did not interest me so much as the process did (that is, the combination of photography with 3D imagery (with CG). I am not really sure what CG is, but it sounds awesome. Someone telling me that I could think of pretty much any idea / photographic process, and be able to make it possible, is phenomenal. It is amazing where technology has gone, and where it is going. Someone in the video also said that CG may change technology forever, and I would probably have to agree. I do not know where this technology will take us, but I am certain it will create a type of imagery that has not yet been fathomed---which is really awesome in my book!