Tuesday, January 25, 2011

High Dynamic Range Photography

An Alteration of Reality


Composition: For these images, I wanted to create a frame that would emphasize the hi-lights and shadows, while also accentuating the main objects in the image. I wanted the contrast to be surreal and to reflect the extreme aspects of HDR photography. I chose extreme lighting so that when merging the photos in HDR, I would be able to create extreme areas on the image.
Concept: The most interesting attribute of HDR to me is the ability to manipulate the surreality of the outer world. With that being said, I hope to portray a surreal presence of reality with these images.
Method: I put my camera on a tripod and took several images of one subject, ranging from very underexposed to very overexposed. I then merged these images in Bridge, brought them over to Photoshop, and applied a surreal aspect to them. I wanted to keep as much color as possible, so in order to do that I altered the exposure and radius of the surreal effect on the image.
Motivations: My goal for these images was to create a surreal atmosphere. I wanted the images to appear overly colorful and saturated so as to create a somewhat eerie presence.
Interpretation: Of the few people that have viewed my images, all of them agree with the surreal aspects of my photos. The images are said to be somewhat cartoon-like (the arcade ones) and look like reality that has been painted over graphically.
Evaluation: ...
Extension: I plan on continuing with HDR photography, as I love the end result. I wold love to take this idea into portraiture, that is, if I can find a very still person!

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